Monday, February 02, 2009

All Rilstone, all of the time

This is an excellent day for everyone who appreciates Andrew Rilstone, and anyone who has never heard of him but loves literary criticism about Dr. Who, CS Lewis, and JRR Tolkien.
Mr. Rilstone has put some of his writings online here.

If you're new to the Rilstone phenomenon, a good place to start is his retrospective on William Hartnell's Doctor and his initial reaction to New Who.
If you enjoy forensic analysis of media porkies, an account of a week spent reading the Express and a footnoted headline will not disappoint. Nor will the curious affair of Phillip Pullman and the lipstick.
On Christianity, Peculiar People and Fan Club will be of equal interest to evangelicals and atheists, and he shares my views of hymns with bloody actions. He also wrote the only sensible review of "Passion of the Christ" that I have seen. 

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